The continuous progress of imaging technology has revolutionized clinical medicine and basic research in life sciences. Different imaging modalities have their own characteristics, and a single imaging modality cannot fully respond to the information of living organisms. Multimodal imaging technology can obtain various information of living organisms from different scales and levels, which is an important trend in the development of imaging technology!
Facing the “Healthy China 2030”, the localization of medical equipment and other major national strategic needs, clinical needs and biomedical frontier, combined with the strong electronic information background of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology, the team is committed to the research and development of highly sensitive, high specificity, high spatial resolution multimodal imaging systems and imaging technology, for the early stage of disease, accurate diagnosis and efficacy assessment and basic research in life sciences to provide powerful imaging technology means! We are committed to developing highly sensitive, high spatial and temporal resolution multimodal imaging systems and imaging technologies to provide powerful imaging technology for early disease diagnosis, efficacy assessment and basic life science research!
Relying on the Engineering Research Center of Molecular and Neuroimaging of the Ministry of Education, the team's research work involves micro-CT imaging, micro-PET imaging, photoacoustic imaging, diffusion optical imaging, MPI imaging, optical projection tomography (OPT), X-ray luminescence tomography (XLT) and other imaging modalities, and the research content includes the development of imaging systems and imaging key technologies, imaging theory and reconstruction algorithms, high-performance computing based on GPU acceleration, medical image processing, multi-modal data fusion, medical software development, biological and clinical experiments and validation, and other aspects. The research includes imaging system development and imaging key technology research, imaging theory and reconstruction algorithm research, high-performance computing based on GPU acceleration, medical image processing, multi-modal data fusion, medical software development, biological and clinical experimental validation and other aspects.